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free dental day

Making East Texas Smile: Free Dental Day at Smith Dental Care February 17th!

Free Dental Day is a national phenomenon in which many dental offices are participating. It’s a small way to give back to the community and provide people who may not otherwise get dental care with free dental services.

Mark your calendars for Free Dental Day at Smith Dental Care on February 17th! We are committed to helping East Texas smile, and we hope those in need can check out these services and get the dental care they deserve!

What Is Free Dental Day?

Throughout the United States, thousands of dentist offices are joining a movement to provide free dental care for a day. Different offices can choose their date for free care, or they can join a national movement to focus on a specific day.

On this day, people who need access to dental services can visit the office and get free, high-quality dental services. The goal is simply to make dental care more accessible for everyone and ensure more people can enjoy healthy, happy smiles.

Each year, millions of dollars worth of services are donated on free service days across the country. Thousands of patients get the care that they desperately need or simply cannot afford. It is our hope that we can give back to the community of East Texas in some small way with our upcoming Free Dental Day on February 17th.

Why Free Dental Day Is So Important

With the rise in costs for insurance and services, many people don’t maintain dental insurance on a regular basis. More than 75 million adults in the United States have no dental insurance coverage. This means that 75+ million people don’t get routine dental care, cleaning, and other important services.

It doesn’t mean those people don’t need dental care; it simply means they likely cannot afford it. Due to the gap in coverage, they neglect dental cleanings and visits to avoid the out-of-pocket costs. This can lead to many potential issues:

  • Cavities
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth loss
  • Misalignment
  • Periodontal disease
  • Gum disease

When dental care is neglected for too long, it could potentially lead to more extensive and more expensive work needing to be done. And yet, many people will put that off as well because they don’t have the coverage to help with the expenses.

Without proper dental care, people often struggle with confidence or shame. They want their smile to be healthy, but they simply don’t have the resources to make it happen. That’s where we come in!

The Value of Quality Dental Care

Realistically, you should see a dentist at least once a year for routine cleanings. The industry recommendation is to get a cleaning every six months. These cleanings are not just to improve your pearly whites; it’s also to check your teeth and your mouth and be proactive with any potential issues.

If you have cavities, misalignment, or other concerns, the dentist can address those concerns with you and help provide services to correct them. Being proactive with dental care manages your dental health but also could impact your overall health as well.

Did you know that proper dental care can help to reduce the risks of heart disease related to periodontal disease, diabetes, oral cancer, and kidney disease in some cases? Of course, dental care will not always prevent these things, but it can make a difference.

A free day to get dental care also contributes to helping improve and protect your overall health.

Experience Free Dental Care with Us on February 17th!

We are passionate about taking care of smiles within our community. We hope that you will come to see us for your dental care needs on February 17th. We look forward to serving as many people as possible on this day with free dental care.

Share the date with friends, mark your calendars, and prepare to wow the world with your smile. Contact us today at Smith Dental Care with questions about services, or just show up that day to get the help you need!

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